sestdiena, 2019. gada 23. novembris

Hosta, Spring Morning

Hosta Spring Morning
Soft green center edged by yellow, later on white margin.
Plant Size:
Flower Color:
Pale lavender

Hosta 'Spring Morning' has a nice, soft, green middle part of the leaf irregularly bordered with yellow to yellow green edges. In the summer, dense clumps are topped by lavender flowers.

How to grow hostas

Save light shade to shade place in your garden to plant hostas. Filtered sun is best for the colorful varieties to reach their full color contrast. The green and blue hostas are the most shade-tolerant. Usually the yellow cultivars are the most sun-tolerant. The most dangerous is a direct sunshine, especially hot afternoon sun. This is the most critical where temperatures are high. Variegated varieties, especially those with a lot of white in the leaves, burn very easily. Blue color of leaves turns to green-blue or even fully green with too much direct sun. Plants with thick leaves are better suited for dry soil conditions than thin-leaved ones, but none is able to grow years-long in very dry soil. Plant hostas in moist, humus-rich soil.

Water your hostas well immediately as you plant them. Give them water regularly during their first one or two growing season.

Hostas grow slowly and may take 2 to 5 years to reach their full size, longer for the largest species and cultivars. Reserve a plenty of space in your perennial bed for hostas. Most of them are medium sized or large perennials. Hostas are almost fully disease and pest resistant. The most dangerous injury can by caused by slugs, snails and deers.

Plant Size Medium Spacing (h x w) 40 x 50 cm
Leaf Size 20 x 17 cm Growth Rate Fast
Leaf Color No Leaf Color (Center) Yellow
Leaf Color (Margin) White Red "legs" No
Slug Resistant No Sun Tolerant No
Flower Color Pale lavender Wavy Leaf No
Flower Fragrance No Sun Exposure Shade
Hybridized by No Year of Registration 2010
Supplied as bare roots YT Video N/A

Спринг Морнинг– высота куста 45см, ширина 60см,листья со светло-желто-зеленым центром и белой каймой.

Месторасположение: теневыносливы, но есть гибриды, способные расти под лучами солнца. На одном месте могут расти более 20 лет.
Почва: предпочитают слегка кислые, влажные почвы.
Размножение: делением куста. Кусты делят весной, до начала развертывания листьев. Разрастается медленно.
Использование: эффектны в одиночных посадках на фоне газона, особенно пестролистные формы. Подходит для бордюров, рабаток, смешанных групп. Красивы около водоемов.

Spring Morning Hosta
(Mature Size: 16"T x 35"W)

Leaves emerge a buttery yellow with a nice white margin.

As the season progresses the center of the leaf turns more lime before becoming a medium green in late summer.

The margins hold a nice white all season.

Does well with some bright light.

This hosta is not as neon yellow as some photos show it. The photos have been horribly photo-shopped.

Near white flowers in summer.

Why Should I Grow It? Has bright yellow foliage in spring.

(Unknown NR)

Medium Hosta Cultivar

Color: Yellow to Green with White Margins

Size: 16 inches tall by 35 inches wide

Type: Sun Tolerant Hosta

Product Size: 4.5 Inch Container

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